Sustainability Management

LS young creator Group

LS operates LS Young Creator to see places like the MZ generation dreaming of a bigger future.
From college life information to news about new technologies and LS innovation that we want to share wit
Main Activities

[Close reporting of LS Group]

On Instagram, YouTube, blogs, and other social media channels,
We will deliver the realistic story of LS Group to the MZ generation.

[Unique Contents]

Based on LS Young Creator's unique and innovative ideas, we will create and introduce various forms of content.

[1:1 Feedback from experts]

1:1 mentoring is carried out through monthly regular meetings and mission planning/reporting

  • Regular Meeting
  • 1:1 Mentoring and
    Lectures by Experts

[Developing contents for trends of people in their 20s and writing articles]

LS brand has been expanded through various channels. For a healthier and more enjoyable 20s life, LS Story delivers not only news of LS Group but also creates quality ‘Articles for 20s Life’.

LS 대학생 기자단 5기
  • 일정2019.03 ~ 2019.12 (10개월 간)
  • 활동내역LS그룹 밀착취재, 우수자 해외봉사 동행취재, 전문가 1:1피드백, 20대 트렌드 콘텐츠 발굴 및 기사 작성
  • 주관LS그룹
  • 김세미세상을 아름답게, 아름다운 세상
  • 신정원And at last, I see the light
  • 안다솜펜과 카메라만 있다면 어디든 갈 수 있어
  • 이세빈내 선택에 후회하지 말자
  • 이승수실력이란 불가능을 도전해보겠다는 용기다.
  • 정경수오늘을, 그리고 당신을 기록하고 싶습니다
  • 한수정후회없는 오늘이 모여 과거는 추억이 된다.
  • 한용욱지성과 젊음의 소리